November 7th, 2012 | 6 Comments
Assume you have a data file describing a trajectory that you would like to animate like the spiral shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 An animated spiral trajectory (code to produce this figure, data)
In order to create the animation we have to produce a set of png images and create the resulting gif animation with GIMP as shown in the Animation I – gif entry. Therefor, we have to tell gnuplot at which point of the data it has to stop for each image. This can be achieved by the every
option. The point at the end of the line is just one data point. Here the start point and end point for every
are just the same.
do for [ii=1:99] { splot 'spiral.txt' every ::1::ii w l ls 1, \ 'spiral.txt' every ::ii::ii w p ls 1 }
The downward spiral is created by running the loop in the other direction.
do for [ii=99:1:-1] { splot 'spiral.txt' every ::1::ii w l ls 1, \ 'spiral.txt' every ::ii::ii w p ls 1 }
By the way, I don’t know why the antialiasing of the output png images is not working in this example. If you have any idea, feel free to tell me.Assume you have a data file describing a trajectory that you would like to animate like the spiral shown in Fig. 1.
I can’t understand this line
“splot ‘spiral.txt’ every ::1::ii”
and this one
” set output sprintf(‘png/spiral%03.0f.png’,n)”
explain their function
I tried to plot an animation with this example, but as my datafile is very big, the animation is becoming more and more slow. I did’t try to save it as gif, and i would know if it will apear in my gif ? we can i do for not having this problem ?
sorry for my bad English
i am waiting for any answer
Hi there. I was trying to understand the procedure, so I’ve tried to do the specific example by downloading the spiral.txt data file, and the spiral.gnu with the code. Then I run in the terminal “gnuplot spiral.gnu” and I get this error message:
What did I do wrong?
Thanks for reporting this. The error is thrown, because gnuplot cannot find the
directory, in which it tries to store the generated png files.I have update the spiral.gnu file by adding the following line, which works under Linux:
Thanks for your code and website?
I tweak it and get this
Cool, thank you. I uploaded your figure to post it here, if you don’t mind:
Fig. 2 Another animated trajectory