
Create scientific plots using gnuplot

February 17th, 2013 | 3 Comments

As you may have noticed some little changes have occurred. The width of the text area and the font size is larger now.
But the most noticeable change is the addition of the gnuplot manpage as a HTML side. That was part of the gnuplot documentation site for older versions of gnuplot, but disappeared with version 4.4. Now we have the manpage for version 4.6 directly integrated with this site. That gives the nice opportunity to directly link to the description in the manpage of some commands. For example have a look at the placing of a text label.
Another nice feature is the availability of all the code for the blog entries and the wordpress theme on github.


  1. Leandro says:

    You said: “For example have a look at the placing of a text label.”
    I think that the link in text “label” is broken. Take a look.

  2. hagen says:

    Thank you, I have fixed it.

  3. nic says:

    I think putting the whole manual on one page is a little too much. Can’t you split that up into multiple pages?